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Content of Volume 18 Number 3 September 2024



Cover [PDF]
Index [PDF]
Editorial [PDF]

The Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Newton's Laws of a Physics teacher, in a professional technical school in Costa Rica [PDF]

Marco Vinicio López - Gamboa, 3301
Deriving Reactive Power and Apparent Power from RMS Power and Average Power in AC Circuits [PDF]
Kenneth V. Cartwright, 3302
Calculation of the solar time for a given location from the time zone and GPS coordinates
Tamás Stonawski, Imre Beszeda, Ádám Poór, 3303

Teaching Color Optics through Playful Games with Flags: An Experience Report [PDF]

Danillo Scoralich, Vitor Acioly, 3304

Comparing experimental and theoretical trajectories of water jets: The influence of holes’ diameter [PDF]

Josip Slisko, Adrián Corona Cruz, 3305

Photothermal radiometry [PDF]

R. C. García-Zuñiga, L. Luviano, J. C. Sánchez-Nájera, N. Hernández-Oliva, A. Rojas, U. Nogal, J. Hernández-Wong, J. B. Rojas-Trigos, E. Marín, A. Calderón, 3306

Novel emerging concepts and applications of Quantum Cascade Lasers in research [PDF]

Kamal Nain Chopra, Ritu Walia, 3307

Atividades Didáticas Experimentais de Física e o desenvolvimento da autonomia de estudantes: uma proposta para o contexto de Ensino Remoto da EJA/EPT [PDF]

Daniela Andrighetto, Inés Prieto Schmidt Sauerwein, 3308

Automatización de actividades experimentales con Arduino en la formación de profesores de Física [PDF]

Segifredo Luis González Bello, Yerall Romero Mariño, Ramón Rubén González Nápoles, 3309

6C/PCMA: uma sequência didática para o ensino de Física [PDF]

Antonio de Lisboa Coutinho Junior, 3310

Jerarquización de competencias mediante diseño, depuración y análisis de la matriz de Morganov - Heredia [PDF]

Jesús Diego Tuero-O´Donnell Zulaica, Juan Carlos López Mejía, 3311

Propuesta de Aprendizaje Activo de la Física para comprender el movimiento de una pelota que rebota, apoyándose en simulaciones [PDF]

Rubén Sánchez Sánchez, Fermín Acosta Magallanes, 3312



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